The Airport, in collaboration with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, created the S3R3 Solutions Public Development Authority (PDA) in 2017 in order to provide a physical infrastructure as well as a financing mechanism to accelerate development. 75% of local government tax revenue generated within the PDA’s boundaries stays within the PDA for investment in infrastructure development and other related initiatives to retain and expand commerce in the immediate vicinity of the Airport.
The PDA encompasses a 9,000 acre/3,642 ha site (indicated in orange on the map to the left) and The Airport encompasses two thirds of that acreage (indicated in light blue). The PDA can partner with prospective companies to deliver infrastructure if desired, or to assist with permitting and coordination. Since the PDA’s formation, several projects have been successfully developed such as the Amazon Fulfillment Center, Kenworth Training & Delivery Center, and numerous warehouses and roadway improvements.
Numerous incentives are available to companies locating in the PDA. More information on the PDA can be found at