Committed Partners

Airport Partners Collaborate to Accelerate Development

Spokane International Airport intends to develop a world-class aerospace focused transportation, logistics and advanced manufacturing center.

Public Development Authority/S3R3 Solutions

The Airport, in collaboration with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, created the S3R3 Solutions Public Development Authority (PDA) in 2017 in order to provide a physical infrastructure as well as a financing mechanism to accelerate development. 75% of local government tax revenue generated within the PDA’s boundaries stays within the PDA for investment in infrastructure development and other related initiatives to retain and expand commerce in the immediate vicinity of the Airport.


Opportunity Zone

Within the airport and PDA lies an 1,800-acre qualified Opportunity Zone, indicated in red on the above map. Companies locating within this area, which is bordered by McFarlane Road to the north, Thorpe Road to the south, Hayford Road to the east and Rambo Road to the west, can realize deferral of payment of federal taxes on their original invested gain until 2026; step-up their investment tax basis up to 15% for free; and avoid a capital gains tax if the investment is retained in the opportunity zone for 10 years and assets are sold or investment interest is sold.

Foreign-Trade Zone No. 224

Within the Airport and PDA, companies can utilize Foreign-Trade Zone No. 224, which provides deferral of any duties on imported products that are dutiable until it enters the commerce of the United States. If the finished products are exported then no duties are owed.

Example of Large-Scale Greenfield Industrial Development

The construction of Amazon’s new Fulfillment Center illustrates the benefits of Spokane’s collaboration.  From initial conversation to project completion, Amazon was able to build its 2.6MM SF facility in 24 months (which would have been finished months earlier but Amazon slowed the pace of the project for internal reasons).  Spokane is prepared to move quickly for your greenfield project.

Committed Utility Partners

Electricity and Natural Gas

Avista Utilities provides electricity to nearly 340,000 customers and natural gas to about 300,000 customers across 30,000 square miles and four northwestern states.


Inland Power serves approximately 40,000 members in 13 counties in eastern Washington and northern Idaho. 

Water and Sewer

The City of Spokane provides water, wastewater, stormwater, and solid waste collection for more than 70,000 residential and business customers within the City and adjacent areas with City utility services.

Data and Communications

Lumen is an information technology company that integrates network assets, cloud connectivity, security solutions and voice and collaboration tools into one platform that enables businesses to leverage their data and adopt next-generation technologies.

Data and Communications

Verizon Communications Inc. is one of the world’s leading providers of technology, communications, information and entertainment products and services. The company offers voice, data and video services and solutions on its award winning networks and platforms, delivering on customers’ demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity, security and control.

Spokane County government is dedicated to enhancing and protecting the quality of life for all citizens through the pursuit of excellence in responsive, cost-effective and customer-driven services.

Avista Utilities is a committed partner and supporter of electric transportation, including the emerging electric aviation industry.  Avista’s Transportation Electrification Plan (TEP) details their vision, strategy and planned activities in the service areas of Washington and Idaho, with an emphasis on near-term actions from 2021 through 2025. Avista’s strategic approach is informed by industry and customer research; the current landscape of policy, technology and market forces; projected impacts on the economy, the environment and the grid; and the valuable experience gained through the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) pilot launched in 2016.


Operate with business costs 18% below the national average.



Quickly get your product to market with 200 trucking firms, Class 1 rail service and multiple daily 1-hour flights to Seattle.


Grow your company by relocating to Spokane!